Blog: 2023-03-18

From razwiki
Revision as of 06:42, 18 March 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "100 levels of programming complexity not in any particular order yet * hello world * loop of printing * factorial function * fizzbuzz * greeter program * high/low guessing g...")
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100 levels of programming complexity

not in any particular order yet

  • hello world
  • loop of printing
  • factorial function
  • fizzbuzz
  • greeter program
  • high/low guessing game
  • counter
  • http echo server
  • redis client
  • rdbms
  • idp
  • redis server
  • operating system
  • kernel
  • text to speech
  • speech to text
  • networked multiplayer game
  • ray tracer
  • shell
  • remote desktop
  • machine emulator
  • compiler
  • text editor
  • web browser
  • browser extension
  • message queue
  • quantum mechanics simulator
  • web framework
  • spellchecker
  • language translation
  • configuration management agent
  • repl
  • cryptographic signer
  • version control
  • chat client
  • chat server
  • package registry
  • bootloader
  • mail client
  • package manager
  • embedded controller
  • functional programming library
  • matrix math library
  • filesystem
  • ssh client
  • ssh server
  • scripting language interpreter
  • scheduler
  • linter
  • webdriver
  • search engine
  • microblogging site
  • audio player
  • video player
  • window manager
  • valgrind (what is the generic name?)
  • debugger
  • typechecker
  • graph database
  • spatial map
  • file traverser
  • wiki
  • ui framework
  • game engine
  • platformer game
  • graph plotter
  • computer vision
  • self driving car
  • parser
  • tokenizer
  • cryptocurrency
  • code pretty printer
  • vpn server
  • vpn client
  • web server
  • cli http client

Scrolling through my github stars to find some examples to add to the list, found a couple of cool repositories that I had forgotten about: