Blog: 2024-02-12

From razwiki
Revision as of 13:07, 12 February 2024 by Razzi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Started on this quest to have a scheme repl where the outputs are italicized, like the SICP book. Printing italics is pretty easy: <pre> In [1]: line = 'a' In [2]: print(f'\x1B[3m{line}\x1B[0m') a </pre> ''It's italic, trust me!'' But when it comes to spawning a scheme subprocess and interacting with its stdin and stdout, I took many turns, eventually trying nodejs since its asynchronous io model more closely fits this use case. Here's what worked (or at least is a...")
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Started on this quest to have a scheme repl where the outputs are italicized, like the SICP book.

Printing italics is pretty easy:

In [1]: line = 'a'

In [2]: print(f'\x1B[3m{line}\x1B[0m')

It's italic, trust me!

But when it comes to spawning a scheme subprocess and interacting with its stdin and stdout, I took many turns, eventually trying nodejs since its asynchronous io model more closely fits this use case.

Here's what worked (or at least is a work in progress)

(basically just a copy from the docs of which it uses)

var pty = require('node-pty');

var ptyProcess = pty.spawn('scheme')

ptyProcess.onData((data) => {

ptyProcess.write('(+ 3 3)\r');
hack $ node scheme_pty.js
(+ 3 3)
Could not open file init.scm
TinyScheme 1.41
ts> 6

This also sorta works, but right now only processes the stdin with it being ended:

var spawn = require('child_process').spawn

scheme = spawn('scheme')

scheme.stdout.on('data', data => {

scheme.stderr.on('data', data => {

// setTimeout(() => {
  scheme.stdin.write('(+ 3 3)\r')
  // scheme.stdin.write('3\r\n')
// }, 500)

// scheme

// setInterval(() => {}, 1000)

What a mess... I didn't even get python working.. though it has pty built in so it probably would work