Technology takes

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Here is an alphabetical list of technologies and how I feel about them.

Python - solid, has some unfortunate legacy holdovers

c - amazing, some of the best software I use uses this, avoids many pitfalls of c++. I don't know it well tho

c++ - pretty wack, still a foundational technology - browsers, databases, game engines use it. High performance. Not planning on learning

macos - closed source and tries to prevent you from doing a bunch of things in user-unfriendly ways. Good for graphics stuff like the adobe suite

terminal (generic) - it's great though the

powershell - has some good ideas, like the structured data approach. Has command syntax highlighting like fish which is good

windows - feels better than macos, but very fishy - pushing edge everywhere, putting bing in the start menu. But it can still run exes from who knows how long ago so that's handy. And WSL is actually a good experience, though dealing with that and virtual machines is not great. Powershell (above) is actually decent tho, who knows, maybe it's worth just leaning into the platform. As I understand C# and dotnet is actually well designed and implemented

vim is solid. neovim has some good ideas but vim is still kicking, and more solid ... the fragmentation isn't great, though neovim is making some cool headways. vimscript is pretty syntax, though the language itself is pretty ok. tpope is my hero