Blog: 2024-05-25

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Ok so I'm building 3 decks at the moment

light paws: upgrade with: alpha authority, 4x gladecover scout, sentinel's eyes, all that glitters, cartouche of solidarity, demonic ruckus, could add razorverge thicket. Also jam lost jitte for the funs. axgard armory for the funs. Maybe restless bivouac as well.

Curious to see how looming spires and sandstone bridge play too.

light paws pro deck: kaya's ghostform, 3x mana confluence (4?), temple garden, sacred foundry, stomping grounds... or just fast lands

the ancient one: 3x the ancient one, 3x kroxa, 3x fling, 4x callous sell-sword, 3x likeness looter, 4x charming scoundrel

budget: mortuary mine.

high cmc: 2x shadow of mortality, 4x riddle of lightening, 4x mortuary mine, caustic bronco? insatiable avarice?

pricey: ancient adversary apocalypse: 4x ob nix, 4x sheoldred the apocalypse... ya and a ton of lands... xander's lounge...

kiora combo: 4x kiora behemoth beckoner, 4x kasmina enigma sage, 4x thirsting roots, 1x enter the infinite, 1x thassa's oracle, 1x fae of wishes, wishlist is nykthos, breeding pools, etc

could add silundi isles for value land, jwari disruption I like actually.

plotty kiora: (as above, and) 4x jace reawakened, 4x leyline of anticipation, 4x fblthp lost on the range, 1x amber mox