Blog: 2024-11-07
Getting in to game boy development a bit. Finna purchase - might be a fun one to demo 8-bit gaming. Hoping it'll be much simpler than a AAA game.
It's cute, I like how the sprites tend to alternate between 2 frames so the things that are "alive" stand out from the rest. Nice background music too. This one scene where you walk across a bridge reminds me of the scene in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time where you cross the bridge to leave Kokiri village
I like the aesthetic of but I couldn't get dotnet to compile. For some reason I have dotnet 1.0.0-preview2-1-003177 on my mac - why? And I link it from my ~/.profile, so removing it should be as easy as taking the folder out or even just removing it from my path. Then maybe I can get dotnet compiled from source, without using the brew method. Another data point for this mac slowly turning into gentoo.
I blocked youtube to try to be more intentional about watching videos, too many hourlong+ videos that keep my attention ... algorithm too good ....
Cool website
I got this working
it has commands like
rgbasm -o hello-world.o hello-world.asm
I ended up with this paper open, could be cool to dip back into algorithms
Cool name but I still don't get it
Did a search for "sharp 35902 asm repl" but didn't find it. Could make it with the various primities
Like pyboy