Blog: 2025-03-10 evening

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Ok keyd is hot ... but there's a built in way to swap alt and super (option and command) for gnome!?

I'd upvote it but the site is in readonly mode

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "['altwin:swap_alt_win']"

is the snippet. I looked up how to persist this to a file, but it already persists to `~/.config/dconf/user` !! A binary file, a bit unfortunate, otherwise that would be easy to save in version control. Guess I gotta put such a script in my setup script for ubuntu, or use keyd for everything here (probably the eventual approach)

One issue I have with keyd is that I use a wide range of keyboards: well really only windows and mac keyboards, and now that I'm running ubuntu on mac, I have a mac wireless keyboard (magic keyboard) and a builtin keyboard; and they have some small differences. I guess also I have a razer huntsman mini, and some more generic windows keyboards. I seem to have lost my recent basic windows keyboard purchase ... huh ... and my magsafe2 charger that came with the used computer I got?! Could do a technology spring cleaning where I take everything home and document it. anyways................. cool

In particular I can see my "overlay key" using a setting key from the setup script:

> gsettings get org.gnome.mutter overlay-key

so I could use that with my keyd config; I actually do miss having an overlay key. Or spotlight, as was the case in mac

I remapped command to alt and made it send escape when pressed alone, so it wasn't workin with just keyd ... the FUSION of keyd and gsettings will give me effective. Power