Problem: vim packages

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Vim has some plugins that are for managing plugins, to solve this bootstrapping problem. In the past I've used and liked Plug.vim.

However these days I manage vim plugins in a hopefully lighter-weight way - using the builtin vim plugin loading. To that end I have a 'vim-plugin' fish function which basically just clones a git url into '~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/$target'. This works great but then I forget which plugins I have installed when I set up a new machine, and I am loathe to do configuration for packages. If vim used lisp for configuration this could be pretty easy tbh, with a (use-package ... ) or something, but it doesn't, though there is timl, which is beautiful in its zaniness.


The vim-plugin function could add a comment to my vimrc, or I could do something fancier.

Maybe just an inlined function that would be like

razzi_package 'tpope/vim-surround'

that would do nothing if the package is there and g2g, and give me a message if it's not there. Or even just clone to install the package...
