Weave technologies reflection

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If I were to make weave again, I'd definitely make the application functional without javascript. That's probably the biggest change, and it'd be end user facing.

Other than that, I'm realizing that many of the hot new technology choices I was making are a hassle to maintain. I started the project in 2018, and it's now 5 years later. Here are some of the technologies I used and how they've fared:

  • Python - ok
  • flask - too minimal even for a small app, had to import and configure tons of packages
  • pipenv - just a mediocre design, so many workaround and bespoke configurations. Better to use standard pip or poetry
  • nodejs - ecosystem moves very fast
  • postgres - solid
  • linux - of course
  • heroku - good short term, bad long term
  • email - whatever
  • image hosting - prefer to do this on disk
  • task scheduling - didn't implement this, led to some subpar implementations
  • ui - react is ok, ended up looking pretty slick, but js as a requirement isn't great
  • css - would have saved a lot of effort to use a framework. The ecosystem is in such a state of flux though, basic css is actually fine