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Combined display of all available logs of razwiki. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive).
- 03:21, 16 October 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-10-16 (Created page with "Found a bug thumb")
- 03:21, 16 October 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page File:Screen Shot 2024-10-16 at 4.20.38 AM.png
- 03:21, 16 October 2024 Razzi talk contribs uploaded File:Screen Shot 2024-10-16 at 4.20.38 AM.png
- 15:58, 13 October 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-10-13 (Created page with "Some Dark Cloud 2 related titles")
- 00:27, 9 October 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-10-09 (Created page with " cool it's a thing cool and well done solid set")
- 13:06, 3 October 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-10-03 (Created page with "Got podman working with lima <pre> podman $ ./bin/podman --url unix:///Users/razzi/.lima/podman/sock/podman.sock run -it debian root@e6f3c2aa79b5:/# exit ./⏎ podman $ ./bin/podman --version podman version 5.3.0-dev </pre> Needed this lima command to start the podman machine: limactl start template://podman I got the url from lima's source: <pre> lima $ cat cmd/podman.lima #!/bin/sh set...")
- 12:53, 2 October 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-10-02 (Created page with "Had good luck with unpinning libheif and ffmpeg. Maybe it had to do with my jank PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Also spent a while doing random upgrades, trying to get zenity installed so winetricks would have a gui, and eventually succeeding. Still can't run my 3d game in wine but crossover could actually run it fine immediately. Then I tried to upgrade podman, and got a simple "not supported on this version of macos" error. Checking the brew definition took me to https://github.c...")
- 03:18, 27 September 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-09-27 (Created page with "Maybe cool arduino compatible but cheap Maybe this is similar might be a cool thing to give to all students of a intro to computer programming class cool but out of stock. Ironically comes out to the same price as an entry-level raspberry pi that ... has these connectors all solde...")
- 13:14, 17 September 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-09-17 (Created page with "More editor ideas: either don't clear scrollback, or if you do clear scrollback, output the changes as a diff </pre> $ edit ronin diff --git a/ronin b/ronin index 2805e3b..5cdfd6d 100755 --- a/ronin +++ b/ronin @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ ronin_launch() { -hda "$RONIN_DISK" \ -m 4096 \ -nic hostfwd=tcp::2022-:22 \ - -daemonize \ </pre> or <pre> $ edit ronin #!/bin/sh # Create a virtual machine and log in set -e test ! -z "$RONIN_DEBUG" && set -x RONIN_HOME="...")
- 09:51, 16 September 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-09-16 (Created page with "Trying to install sci to use for a clojure-esque based editor ... oh yeah to get Anyways Gives [org.babashka/sci "0.8.43"] It'd be nice to have a way to "pip install" this kind of dependency. Though I must remember that this is a clojure dependency, not a babashka one etc (so it wouldn't work quite like this in my editor) S...")
- 00:13, 30 August 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-08-30 (Created page with "Whoops cleaned some stuff by mistake! Gone are some junks that I forgot about <pre> editor-testing $ git clean -xdn Would remove .pytest_cache/ Would remove .yarn/ Would remove __pycache__/ Would remove Would remove Would remove poetry.lock Would remove pyproject.toml Would remove Would remove editor-testing $ git clean -fxd Removing .pytest_cache/ Removing .yarn/ Removing __pycache__/ Removing...")
- 13:44, 29 August 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-08-29 (Created page with "Starting to put together a specification for testing editors: This actually looks a really useful start of an editor:")
- 16:04, 27 August 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-08-27 (Created page with "Got some interest in downloading planck clojurescript repl, as a more approachable runtime for a command line lisp editor that's not emacs. Anyways... elisp isn't that bad as a language really. But I got stuck on installing planck from source, I guess cause I don't have a `jar` command. Here's what I tried to do to make it not have all these weird errors ``` planck $ git diff diff --git a/script/get-closure-library b/script/get-closure-library index aeedb61..b745168 10...")
- 22:12, 9 July 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-07-09 (Created page with "Ok so there's a lot of redstone tutorials, but they tend to be either youtube videos or try to go for real-world style things like vending machines... but I just want primitives like inverter and cycling power... for now... Set your game mode to creative and give yourself - redstone dust (this is what makes the "wires") - redstone torch (not to be confused with "torch", which is always on and doesn't respond to redstone) - things that activate redstone, like buttons /...")
- 23:55, 9 June 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-06-10 (Created page with " is Benton Madsen's guide to his own selesnya auras deck")
- 00:35, 27 May 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-05-27 (Created page with "Here's the basic shape of a simic kasmina ult deck from that podcast")
- 00:35, 26 May 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-05-26 (Created page with "Ok a way to test deck strength: see how many turns they take to win on average. Make a simple algorithm, assume opponent is goldfish, play each hand, see how many turns it takes to win.")
- 13:48, 25 May 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-05-25 (Created page with "Ok so I'm building 3 decks at the moment light paws: upgrade with: alpha authority, 4x gladecover scout, sentinel's eyes, all that glitters, cartouche of solidarity, demonic ruckus, could add razorverge thicket. Also jam lost jitte for the funs. axgard armory for the funs. Maybe restless bivouac as well. Curious to see how looming spires and sandstone bridge play too. light paws pro deck: kaya's ghostform, 3x mana confluence (4?), temple garden, sacred foundry, stompi...")
- 21:37, 23 May 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-05-23 (Created page with "Brewing up some serious the ancient one hits... ancient one + complete the circuit + thud / fling / kazuul's fury Another copy mechanic from sea gate stormcaller the ancient one + rona + complete the circuit + amber mox + relic of legends rona + amber mox + relic of legends * tap rona * play amber mox * tap amber mox * tap rona * tap relic of legends Ok here's all the archetypes I've come up with so far for the ancient one * tapped and attacking cheat (arni metal...")
- 12:22, 22 April 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-04-22 (Created page with "My self-inflicted editor matrix * macos, ubuntu, windows: ** terminal ** gui *** emacs *** vim Mostly I use macos gui emacs and wsl vim, I guess")
- 09:26, 11 April 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-04-11 (Created page with " I noticed evil-collection added an unimpaired minor mode that wasn't being diminished properly, then I thought: why display minor modes at all? Vim for example has a much more minimal ui. So I'm interested in hiding the emacs mode line and other ui elements. That article looks like a good starting spot.")
- 11:05, 31 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-03-31 (Created page with "Sigh... haven't got this vim help menu thing working, but it's maybe a good idea, to the extent that vim customization ideas can be good ideas. <pre> .vim $ cat ftplugin/help.vim set timeout timeoutlen=200 nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :q<cr> </pre> Fan of this Continuing with my little python scheme wrapper. It hangs when you hit enter, I guess the scheme subpr...")
- 14:26, 28 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs deleted page Drukarka przemysłowa potężną figur w umiejętnym (content was: "== Drukarka przemysłowa potężną figur w umiejętnym == Usterki czy wadzie postawy – te rodzime, jak ponad zyskane – są jakąś z najaktualniejszych przyczyn lęków oraz wady w brzegu schematu ruchu. Tymże samych motywacją pojawiającego się bólu. Wykonywanie licznych akcji przez pełen doba przy nieprawidłowym ustawieniu kości, przegubów oraz...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 14:26, 28 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs deleted page Reduslim Im Check - Ein Ehrlicher Produktcheck (content was: "<br> Das Koffein in Reduslim fördert die Lipolyse. Was ist dran an den negativen Meinungen über [ Reduslim]? Reduslim Kapseln kaufen - Aber wo? Den günstigsten Preis finden Sie aktuell aber über den baaboo Onlineshop. Während auf andere Seiten der Preis pro Kapsel bei min. Beim Kauf über den Onlineshop baaboo bekommen Sie den mit Abstan...", and the only contributor was "WilbertTubb0" (talk))
- 14:25, 28 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs deleted page Wie Man Schnell Abnimmt (content was: "Als Erstes sollten Sie einen Facharzt konsultieren und herausfinden, ob es Kontraindikationen für eine schnelle Gewichtsabnahme gibt. Wenn Sie gesund sind und es sich leisten können, sollten Sie sich ernsthaft mit der Wahl einer schnellen Diät befassen und die für Sie richtige Option finden. Haben Sie Geduld, wenn Sie die Vor- und Nachteile einer schnellen G...", and the only contributor was "WilbertTubb0" (talk))
- 14:24, 28 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs deleted page Drukarka przemysłowa solidną osobowości w fachowym (content was: "== Drukarka przemysłowa solidną osobowości w fachowym == Usterki lub niezgodności postawy – te rodzinne, kiedy więcej zdobyte – są którąkolwiek spośród najistotniejszych przyczyn niepokojów oraz wady w sektorze układu ruchu. Tym jednych przyczyną pojawiającego się bólu. Wykonywanie licznych prace poprzez całkowity dobę przy niewła...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 14:23, 28 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs deleted page Olbrzymia wiedza fizjoterapeuty w horyzoncie (content was: "== Olbrzymia wiedza fizjoterapeuty w horyzoncie == Fizjoterapia ma użycie faktycznie w wszelakiej płaszczyźnie medycyny natomiast w usuwaniu wielce zróżnicowanych chorób. W rodzimym wyrobie skojarzymy się na fizjoterapii aparatu kongresu także przyjmowaniu usterek w końcu zestawów wejściowych w jego porządek, lub zespołu nerwowego, mięśniowego,...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 14:22, 28 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs deleted page Tarcze diamentowe Bosch globalną częścią regionu nauk (content was: "== Tarcze diamentowe Bosch globalną częścią regionu nauk == Fizjoterapia jest ogólną częścią terenu nauk medycznych. Jest bieżące edukacja o politykach działania materiałami własnymi, opartymi na różnorodnych konfiguracjach aktywności seksualnej, zalegającej w miejscu człowieka, takich niby lot, bodźce termiczne, kinetyczne, mechaniczne, e...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 14:22, 28 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs deleted page Fizjoterapia po covid poszczególnego miejsca oraz obcowań (content was: "== Fizjoterapia po covid poszczególnego miejsca oraz obcowań == Choruj prawdopodobnie wyprowadzać spośród prawdziwego terytoria również funkcjonowań wywołany oczywistymi okolicznościami. Mieszka zawsze ból, jaki nie ma jasnookreślonego pochodzenia – pojawia się w niewielu miejscach, rozchodzi się, spaceruje lub emituje. Istnieje toż właściwie...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 14:21, 28 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs deleted page Tarcze do drewna Bosch nastrojoną na opiekę czy życia polegające na dopasowywaniu (content was: "== tarcze do drewna Bosch nastrojoną na opiekę czy życia polegające na dopasowywaniu == Zaliczymy tu fizjoterapię uregulowaną na obronę, inaczej życia liczące na stosowaniu postawy, postaci także standardów ruchu, oczywiście by obniżyć ryzyko odniesienia kontuzji czy ponownego urazu. Ostatniego gatunku operacje będą oddane dla sportowców...", and the only contributor was "" (talk))
- 04:07, 28 March 2024 talk created page Tarcze do drewna Bosch nastrojoną na opiekę czy życia polegające na dopasowywaniu (Created page with "== tarcze do drewna Bosch nastrojoną na opiekę czy życia polegające na dopasowywaniu == Zaliczymy tu fizjoterapię uregulowaną na obronę, inaczej życia liczące na stosowaniu postawy, postaci także standardów ruchu, oczywiście by obniżyć ryzyko odniesienia kontuzji czy ponownego urazu. Ostatniego gatunku operacje będą oddane dla sportowców także istot niespokojnych natomiast ludziach, którzy prędko produkują jogging albo zakładają nasilony hałas ze...")
- 14:48, 26 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-03-26 (Created page with "Messing with emoji <pre> >>> "\U0001F604" '😄' >>> "\U0001FA76" '🩶' >>> "\U0001FA75" '🩵' >>> "\U0001FA74" '🩴' >>> "\U0001FA74" </pre>")
- 08:34, 26 March 2024 talk created page Fizjoterapia po covid poszczególnego miejsca oraz obcowań (Created page with "== Fizjoterapia po covid poszczególnego miejsca oraz obcowań == Choruj prawdopodobnie wyprowadzać spośród prawdziwego terytoria również funkcjonowań wywołany oczywistymi okolicznościami. Mieszka zawsze ból, jaki nie ma jasnookreślonego pochodzenia – pojawia się w niewielu miejscach, rozchodzi się, spaceruje lub emituje. Istnieje toż właściwie oznaczany ból uogólniony połączony z grypami ogólnoustrojowymi lub reumatologicznymi. Fizjoterapeuta umie...")
- 03:39, 25 March 2024 talk created page Tarcze diamentowe Bosch globalną częścią regionu nauk (Created page with "== Tarcze diamentowe Bosch globalną częścią regionu nauk == Fizjoterapia jest ogólną częścią terenu nauk medycznych. Jest bieżące edukacja o politykach działania materiałami własnymi, opartymi na różnorodnych konfiguracjach aktywności seksualnej, zalegającej w miejscu człowieka, takich niby lot, bodźce termiczne, kinetyczne, mechaniczne, elektryczne, wizualne i chemiczne. Według definicji Światowej Konfederacji Fizjoterapii (World Confederation for...")
- 05:41, 19 March 2024 talk created page Olbrzymia wiedza fizjoterapeuty w horyzoncie (Created page with "== Olbrzymia wiedza fizjoterapeuty w horyzoncie == Fizjoterapia ma użycie faktycznie w wszelakiej płaszczyźnie medycyny natomiast w usuwaniu wielce zróżnicowanych chorób. W rodzimym wyrobie skojarzymy się na fizjoterapii aparatu kongresu także przyjmowaniu usterek w końcu zestawów wejściowych w jego porządek, lub zespołu nerwowego, mięśniowego, powięziowego oraz szkieletowego. W regularnej praktyce fizjoterapeuci fatygują się przede pełnym chorymi. Do...")
- 01:53, 15 March 2024 talk created page Drukarka przemysłowa potężną figur w umiejętnym (Created page with "== Drukarka przemysłowa potężną figur w umiejętnym == Usterki czy wadzie postawy – te rodzime, jak ponad zyskane – są jakąś z najaktualniejszych przyczyn lęków oraz wady w brzegu schematu ruchu. Tymże samych motywacją pojawiającego się bólu. Wykonywanie licznych akcji przez pełen doba przy nieprawidłowym ustawieniu kości, przegubów oraz mięśni powodujących niekorzystne obciążenia i osłabienia podróżują z momentem do istniej patologicznych....")
- 04:59, 14 March 2024 talk created page Drukarka przemysłowa solidną osobowości w fachowym (Created page with "== Drukarka przemysłowa solidną osobowości w fachowym == Usterki lub niezgodności postawy – te rodzinne, kiedy więcej zdobyte – są którąkolwiek spośród najistotniejszych przyczyn niepokojów oraz wady w sektorze układu ruchu. Tym jednych przyczyną pojawiającego się bólu. Wykonywanie licznych prace poprzez całkowity dobę przy niewłaściwym ustawieniu kości, zbiorników natomiast mięśni powodujących złe przeciążenia i zachwiania wyprowadzają z...")
- 14:55, 13 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-03-13 (Created page with "Alright, last day in Colombia and I'm chillin. Checked out of my room but left my suitcase at the hostel and I'm here now in a hammock. Nice all the hammocks that are here. 3:40pm, quite warm this time of day though there isn't much sun out today. Was planning on doing laundry but decided I'll make it back to the states and deal with it then. Ended up withdrawing some more money to pay for clothing since my card was declining, nice to do because then I had cash to buy a...")
- 09:49, 9 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-03-09 (Created page with "Interesting stuff Default qemu ram size is 128M Finally understand this "target triplet" seems like a good resource. Starting a virtualization guide, it'll be good to collect some definitions.")
- 19:43, 7 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-03-07 (Created page with "Looked into ronin again, and after some curiosity about debian version 12 being hardcoded, I took a deep dive on architectures and os stuff. Here are some of the highlights: * / - doing stuff with qemu and debian. Hardcodes ssh keys. * * *")
- 12:02, 4 March 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page MTG resources (Created page with "")
- 02:06, 27 February 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-02-27 (Created page with "Moment of realization just now: why can't you shutdown debian from the login screen? bc it would need a root user to submit the "shutdown" command. Even when you switch with alt-f2 or whatever to the text login screen, it prompts for username; you can't enter commands from there. Maybe the solution is to boot to a root repl (like safe mode) and from there you can launch login gui. Other realization I'll note down here: lots of software isn't available in apt because its...")
- 13:49, 23 February 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Back to Blogging (Created page with "You may notice this website's blog is unorganized and untidy. That's by design "Blog" is a truncation of "weblog" - breaking that word apart we get web log. That's what this blog is, it's a log of my web activities. Mostly for me, but you're welcome to browse as well. In the early days of internet, I think "bloggers" were simply logging their lives. Posting pictures and stuff, since social media hadn't taken off. It was a uninhibited and exciting time... Some people w...")
- 13:43, 23 February 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-02-23 (Created page with "Thinking about this book after seeing ducks on the page And I have been rewarded with some internet lore")
- 20:49, 21 February 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-02-21 (Created page with "Alright I was trying to do some tmux pane renaming and this is what I came up with <pre> if not string-empty $TMUX function _fish_tmux_window_title_command --on-event fish_preexec tmux rename-window (echo $argv | cut -d ' ' -f 1) end function _fish_tmux_window_title_pwd --on-event fish_postexec tmux rename-window (curdir) end end </pre> Now I'm restoring it out bc I don't care for the feature")
- 12:08, 20 February 2024 talk created page Blog: 2024-02-20 (Created page with "Alright I created this little code pen And I wanted to log it because to get the element to align to the bottom, I had to set the page height to 100%, otherwise it was aligned to the bottom but the whole page was a small height... have run into this before.<pre> html, body { height: 100%; } .main { height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; } </pre>Also you need a spacer el...") Tag: Visual edit
- 02:31, 19 February 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-02-19 (Created page with "Realizing it's not actually trivial for a copy operator to do a whole line, and not dump the line after the current character on paste. Need p to be aware of clipboard length I guess, then paste after current line if the clipboard has its own newline... I guess the oscyank has probably been doing the right thing, it'd say the number of characters that would include a newline. Tired, bedtime.")
- 23:06, 18 February 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-02-18 (Created page with "cool got rid of needrestart which was posting the "need restart" messages like <pre> No services need to be restarted. No containers need to be restarted. No user sessions are running outdated binaries. No VM guests are running outdated hypervisor (qemu) binaries on this host. </pre>")
- 23:59, 15 February 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-02-15 (Created page with "The pretty silly CVE disclosure Bad Apple!!")
- 00:59, 13 February 2024 Razzi talk contribs created page Blog: 2024-02-13 (Created page with "How does this work but it doesn't seem to when you use the read and write methods on the io objects? <pre> proc = subprocess.Popen(['bc'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) os.write(proc.stdin.fileno(), b'100+200\n') print(, 4096)) </pre>")